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For this class the project i am most proud of the eminem project. The eminem project was testing your skill by making you put a blindfold on and then making you put eminems in a different bowl with a popsicle stick. I likes this one especially because whatever you got into the bowl you got to keep, and i got 44 eminems so i was a happy person.  After that it was everyone elses turn, and the max that they got was 20, so i felt good. This i would have to say was the funnest project.



This project i participated and worked hard for the day that it lasted. It was painful to sit and watch people get the eminems. Sadly i was taking the eminems out of my pocket and they fell all over the floor and then i couldn't eat them. The next day their was extra eminems so i she gave me some. Overall this was a fun project and i am happy that i got to do it because some people who were talking didn't get to do it.


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